Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sydney Graff Writers Killed Mid-Duty

Sorry for the absence of posts over the last few months but I've been living in Australia. Local Sydney news: On the weekend three writers were painting in a drain, when a storm hit. The drain filled up with water, and then swept them almost a mile through the sewers to a drain-end that feeds into the ocean. Two of the writers drowned to death in the tunnels. The third was spat out into Lurline Bay, where he was rescued.

Read more about this here and here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,

nice work, luv your blog.

I linked it on my blog, If you're okay let's link up :)

peace man and keep up the good work

Fatcap graffiti

4:40 AM  
Blogger Ez said...

Vince's blog is worth checking out if you're looking for some interesting takes on a broad - and sometimes fringe - range of topics related to graffiti. Examples include Basquiet, defining different styles of graffiti, and contextual art. It's pretty new and there's not much up yet, but if the above interests you then here's the link: fatcap.

3:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's horrible! I don't know how fast these drains can fill up, but you are making it sound vicious. Art is art, and they were doing what they loved when they died. It's too bad this happened. I'll stay away from drain pipes in the future now.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Ez said...

The problem was that they went on an overcast day. It had been raining for several days earlier, and it had been lightly raining throughout the day when they went. So it really was the wrong WRONG WRONG time to get into a storm water drain. The one guy who survived ran a store selling spray paint for artists and writers. I think it's been closed ever since...

7:50 PM  
Blogger rebecca bermeister said...

Great work Ez - sad story. Love your pics. There are awesome. Theres Na-na grafiti all over this country, I'll email you some. Blog on...reb.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice work...
Love your pic's

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Colin Hubert said...

"Flaps" and "Banish" were the writers killed in the stormwater drain in Sydney. They have been memorialised on walls around town since. Sad stuff.

1:25 PM  

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