Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Keep on Truckin

Spotted on 8th Street and 2nd

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East Village

This striking piece was applied on a perfect backdrop surface. The smooth earthy-red wall is smooth and warm. The throw-up has a really cool use of both curved and spiked letters. It's sort of rolling and menacing at the same time.

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Monday, February 26, 2007


7th Street, Avenue B

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Link Dane OS 2007

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Red Silver

Bayard Street, Chinatown

Vivid red on silver.

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Rivington Street, Chinatown

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Saturday, February 24, 2007


Somewhere Downtown


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Friday, February 23, 2007

Silvered Black Doorway

3rd Avenue, East Village

Disparate elements unify this black and grated doorway into a singular work. The tags don't overlay each other, with an unusually uncompetitive use of space. While the doodle-like drawings, a dancer and a big eared creature, gyrate up the doorway complimenting the more serious tagging work, as well as modifying the menace suggested by the grated window.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Rivington Street, Chinatown / Lower East Side.

Big, bold and silver. KS fits its fat bubble between posters and a sprinkler warning sign.

S Crest

South Allen Street, Lower East Side.

There is a regal feeling to this one lettered tag, giving it the feeling of a grimey crest.